The Lehigh Valley Herpetological Society, Inc.
The (LVHS) is a not-for-profit organization
located in southeastern Pennsylvania in the Allentown area and is composed of amateur and professional herpetologists. Some
of the objectives of our organization are:
- To provide for our members a vehicle for the exchange
and sharing of resources, information, and ideas pertinent to herpetology.
- To promote the welfare of reptiles and amphibians through
example, through education of the public, and through participation in conservation activities and events relating to wildlife
in general and reptiles and amphibians in particular.
We accomplish these and our other objectives set forth
in our bylaws by doing shows where our members bring their animals to
display to the public and answer any questions they may have. We also participate in a national survey on declining amphibian
populations by going to various places in our area and counting and identifying all reptiles and amphibians found in a 24
hour period. All money raised other than that required to sustain the LVHS, whether through sales of T-shirts, Polaroid photos,
or other items, membership dues, and donations from organizations for doing presentations is donated to various organizations
for research projects, land acquisition, etc. Most of the money we have donated has gone to the Wildlands Conservancy. This
is an organization in our area that buys land for preservation. So far over 18,000 green acres are preserved through their
Wildlands Trust Fund. Please visit their site with the link provided below and see what they have accomplished.
The LVHS meets at 7:00 PM on the 2nd Monday
of the following months: January, March, May, July, September and November. At the Wildlands Conservancy (Pool Wildlife Santuary),
3701 Orchid Place, Emmaus, Pa 18049. There is no cost for attendance and visitors are welcome at all meetings.Click HERE for a map of the location.

Copyright 2006, L.V.H.S. Inc.